10 West Cliff Gardens , Folkestone Kent , CT20 1SP United Kingdom
Sustainability at HeadKandy
While HK has always stocked brands with principals, it wasn’t until January 2021 that we decided as a salon we wanted to do more. We did our research and joined forces with Green Salon Collective, head to their page to see the many ways they are helping salons like us with separation recycling and establishing a circular economy within our industry.
Let's take your hair cuttings for example, hair is packed with protein and can be used by our farmers to help grow our food. If you have green fingers, you can even ask your stylist to take your cuttings home with you, simply use them when you’re planting up and watch your flowers, veg and house plants thrive.
GSC also use your cuttings to make hair booms, these odd-looking vessels are used to absorb oil on shore lines and in the ocean, saving wildlife and natural landscapes as a result.
As for aluminium, we use plenty of it from coke cans to colour tubes, and hair foil to hairspray cans. In landfill this metal takes around 400 years to decompose but with the help of GSC all of the metal used at HK is 100% recycled. We then buy it back in the form of hair foil and combs, while companies like Paul Mitchell make their colour tubes from the recycled metals.
Refill station
We now offer a refill service on your favourite products, simply bring your empty bottle back to us, and we’ll refill it. (unfortunately, this is not available on all of our products but we hope this increases over time). Check out our IG or FB to see what products are included at our refill station.
Trashy Hairdressers
Some of the girls at HK meet every other month with their waste bags and litter pickers to target areas of our town, this could be the beach, the town or the coastal park.
Disposable Towels
While you may think disposable towels are adding to landfill, our towels are made by a company called Scrummi and are 100% biodegradable with no hidden plastics. They are hygienic to use and all our towels will fully compost within 8 -12 weeks.
Reuse and Recycle
Lastly, we try and remain mindful with our salon purchases. When your next in the salon, check out our bird and bee friendly garden to see how we turned our old salon chairs into garden furniture.
Please note that in order for us to go green we need your help, we therefor add a £1 green fee to every bill. If this is something you don’t wish to support, just let us know and that’s absolutely fine.